Life of a Soaring Eagle

Are you ready? This is going to be my coolest story yet. 

It all began on one of the weekly trips my mother and I would take along the path of life. Well, not really. My mom and I like to walk on this overgrown hiking trail behind my church while my brother is at jumprope practice every week. The path looks like this from above. 

As we walked one day, I had my camera and a story idea. Often, in life, you're on a path. and you don't know what's ahead, you just go. 

You, may, walk, run, skip, dance, or crawl, but any which way, you're gonna be on that path. 

Sometimes, you'll hurry faster because the clouds surrounding you are overwhelming and you don't want to get rained on... 

Or you might walk slower or stop altogether because the weeds in your life are taking over you, they've grown taller than you and you can't see through them anymore. 

Or maybe your life is great, you're enjoying the weather, and you own a weed-eater. 

Either way, you'll eventually run into a snake hole. It could be big, causing you to tumble into an abyss as if you were Alice from Alice in Wonderland....

Or maybe it's small, and you merely trip over it, get up and continue on. 

Regardless of whether you stumble or tumble, after the snake hole, the path will get wider, causing you to think you got through it on your own, and that you really don't need God at all. 

But then, there will be a sudden turn in the path and some weird thing-a-ma-jig will stand in your way, and as you get closer and realize what it's for, you'll decide whether to trust God or not. You might totally let him lead the way, let him help you with whatever this contraption is....

Or you'll sit by and stare at your mess called "life" as everyone around you seems to be happy and loving life. 

Someone will come along and plant flowers in your mess, and as they grow, you'll say, hey, its a sign. and you'll follow God again. 

Until he seemingly points you off the path, into an abyss of leaves and bugs and weeds and more bugs. 

But when you go your own way, you step in poop. 

And then you step in more poop. And you don't know whether a caterpillar...

or one of Santa's reindeer left that poop there. So you keep on walking, and come to an obstacle in the path. 

God may tell you to climb over it, but you get so caught up in your thoughts of the dragons that may live in those rocks, you take twice the time to go around them... Only to find that theres a gorgeous waterfall coming from that rock, and had you listened to God, you would have been there much faster.

But like all things, no matter what you do, whether you listen or not, God will get you where you're supposed to be eventually. It might take longer, though, and you'll probably lose some friends to some disgusting dung beetles, which you could've avoided altogether. 

You finally think you understand it, and you can just barely see the end of the path...

When really, it's just a barbed wire fence that was put in your path to give you false hope. 

So you pass on by it, and go up one hill...

And down the next, when you finally see the end of the path...

just to realize how far someone else is ahead of you... 

just to realize that, close up, its not that pretty, and you wish you hadn't judged in the first place. 

then suddenly, its the end, and looking back, you realize that you wish you could've seen the end originally. 

But you tell yourself, ces't la vie, and you look at what lies ahead, things more beautiful than you've ever imagined it would be. And you regret nothing. 

You see, dear reader, life really is this simple. And when you understand that we're all the same, from liars and addicts to murderers... God sees us all the same. And he loves us. He loves us so much that he sent his son. His sinless, perfect son... To die. For us! We are so mundane compared to him. The good news, though, is that the story doesn't stop there. God broke all laws of physics and architecture and pyrotechnics and meteorology... and raised this dude from the dead. All we have to do is realize that it isn't just a story. And trust him. Without him, we are better off as little dung beetles. With him, we can soar on wings like Eagles. Because honestly, behind every cloud theres a rainbow... and every dragon cave there's a waterfall. 


True story. 


~The Crazy, yet Soaring Eagle living next door~ 


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