Life of a Living Garbage Disposal

If you could re-live one moment in your life to change something, what would it be? 

I know that if I had to answer that question, I wouldn't want to change anything in my life. That doesn't mean that I absolutely love my life. I do at times, but everybody has those days. I wouldn't be who I am, where I am, with the people I'm with, doing the things I'm doing if I didn't have that roller coaster twisting and turning all over the place when I make decisions. Here's why. 


Where would we be if we didn't have the bad days? More so, WHO would we be? Your life has shaped you into exactly who you're supposed to be. And who you are now. 


Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows what plans he has for us, and they're plans that will give us hope and a future, and hope for the future. He knows the desires of our heart, and he's gonna give them to us. They might not be what we think they are going to be, but he promises that they're for the better. 


Maybe you're not content with who you are, maybe you feel like your body is too skinny, too fat, maybe you think that you're ugly. I'm not gonna give you another one of those "just the way you are" talks. I'm sure that you've been told that you're beautiful just the way you are, but no one really believes that, do they? 


We are the harshest judges of ourselves. We're afraid that people aren't going to like us if we're not the way we think we should be. 


For example, maybe you've accepted who you think you are, as jacked up (sorry mom) as you think you may be, and all those emotional struggles you've been having you shove down into this metaphorical trash can that've packed so full and smells so bad that all you can do is spray more and more Febreeze over it, hoping that the smell will go away for a little while. 


I know I used to be like that. I was content with who I was on the outside, but on the inside all that trash was piling up and I just kept on pasting on a smile over it. If you had met me a few years ago, you would've thought that I was the happiest person in the world. 


But one day, just like a bad case of indigestion, that smile will fail you and all that trash will spill out in one short burst of energy and the tension in the air will feel like a bad case of indigestion. It's not good to keep all of that trash. That's why you need someone, someone who can be like a dancing woodland fairy and help you take all of your trash to the garbage disposal and watch it grind to dust. 


Maybe you don't have a friend like that. As I found out in choir today, we aren't as different as we make it seem. That's why it makes it so easy for me to write these things that just about anyone can relate to. Find someone who you think is so different from you, and try to get to know them. You might be surprised at the results. 


So, go out today, and just be yourself. You'll find that you are everything you ever wanted to be. Britt Nicole says, We all have days when we just don't understand, I know searching for meaning is not always easy, but your story's not over, it's still being told, your sunrise is coming, brighter than gold. You're still that girl. (or guy. :)) 


Maybe you just found out something terrible happened, and you just need a little more whatever. Head on over to my "inspiration soup" page, and find some warm fuzziness. Don't stash your trash! It'll smell really bad. True story. 


~The Crazy Garbage Disposal living next door~


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