Life of a Professional Sheep

To begin, three words. I. Conquered. Goliath. 

If you haven't read my earlier blog post, Life of a Roller Coaster Wrangler, I would suggest reading it first and then coming back and checking out this entry. Click here.


To begin, three words. I. Conquered. Goliath. I wrangled that roller coaster, and so therefore I am epic. Just kidding. it was, once again, just one of my mother, the real roller coaster wrangler's, crazy ideas. Here's how it came to be. 


I was in San Antonio, Texas, at a Student Leadership conference with a small group of students from my church. They decided before the trip that they would take us to a Six Flags as some comic relief on the second to last day of the trip. If you have read my other blog, You will understand that roller coasters and amusement parks in general really aren't my thing. 


I was a little wary of the whole thing at first, but my mother convinced me otherwise. Plus, the park looked like a mini old-fashioned German city, so it wasn't as scary for me as a general amusement park/ fairground would have been. 


So anyways, we walk into the gates of this massive theme park, and my mom immediately turns and informs me that in order to succeed in life, one must ride the largest, fastest, most loop-de-loop-de-est roller coaster in the park before doing anything else. 


Me, being me, agreed to it.  After huffing and puffing up ten ramps with a gradual incline in the heat of the day, we had arrived at Goliath. Having watched the cycle of the coaster a couple times, I should have known what it was going to do to me. 


We strapped ourselves in, feet dangling over the abyss of metal, We were slowly taken up a ramp, and then dropped into the next ten seconds of 50mph corkscrew turns, loop-de-loops, sharp right turns and I'm pretty sure there was a pirouette in there somewhere. I don't think roller coasters were behooved to do Ballet. I was glad to get off. 


But now, I can proudly say that I, as a lone sheep, have conquered Goliath. 


If only I could just as easily say, " Oh yeah, I have life down, I know the swing of things,"  Sadly, Life is about the only thing that doesn't fall at that level of transparent-ness. 


For example, I ran out of hairspray the other day, and got a new bottle from the store. After taking it out of the bag, I turned it over, like I do with everything, to glance at the directions. What I saw made me laugh. 


DIRECTIONS: Its hairspray. Spray it on your hair. 


I went to bed that night thinking, why can't life be that obvious? What if every newborn baby came with an instruction manual that was specific to THAT baby? What if a puppy came with a lifetime warranty? 


Unfortunately, we don't like to work, we don't want to have the struggle of hardships, we don't want to have to rely on someone else in our life to tell the roller coaster when to stop and go. 


But we're just sheep. We have to rely on a shepherd to guide us in the right direction. Even if we did conquer a giant.


True Story.


 ~The Crazy, and yet Professional Sheep Living next door~

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