Life of an Exuberant Dolphin Trainer

Everyone likes dolphins. Sharks are a different story. They're cool to look at, but the people who want to swim with them were dropped on their heads as babies.

Yes, sharks are definitely cool looking, but thats not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people that are downright obsessed with sharks and want to swim with them. Now, I'm sorry if I offended a marine biologist out there, but most will agree that sharks are not nice. 


Dolphins, on the other hand, are trainable, and they don't have four sets of teeth. Sharp teeth, if I may add. Have you ever noticed how people can act like dolphins at times? Well, they can also act like sharks. Let me give you some examples. 


There are many breeds of sharks out there, so I'll only give six. 


The Lemon Shark: The Lemon shark has two dorsal fins. This is your double minded pessimist. This person has a very negative outlook on life, and is never totally sure about anything. He will change his mind at the last minute. 


The Mako Shark: The Mako shark is the fastest shark in the world. It's body is small and pointed, allowing it to quickly propel itself through the water. These are the people that are quick to lose their cool, and lash out at people. There have never been any mako shark attacks leading to death, but people have been bitten.


The Nurse Shark: The nurse shark sits on the bottom of the ocean in shallower areas. This kind of person has no enthusiasm, and just sucks the life out of energetic people. Nurse sharks are not dangerous, but can be rather boring.


The Black Nose Shark: The black nose shark is exactly how it sounds. It has a pointy nose with a black tip, and large eyes. It is much more agressive than other sharks it's size. These people are the people that HURT others, and society says "they can't help it".


The Bull Shark: The bull shark is classified as number 3 on the list of most dangerous sharks to humans. These sharks are incredibly territorial, and often attack without thinking. These are the people who have very short tempers and lash out without warning. These people are also very opinionated.


The Great White Shark: The great white shark is a solitary creature. It doesn't care about anyone but itself. These people are just downright mean. 


Hopefully you didn't read that and say to yourself, "oh, yes, I'm definitely a shark." If you're reading this and saying, "hey, none of these really describe me." Well, don't worry, I'm not quite done with this post. 


Some of us are naturally dolphins. And, in fact, we should all be dolphins. Heres a story. 


"A fishing vessel was just bringing in it's nets for the day, when, as it brought the net up for the day, a member of its crew spotted a bottlenose dolphin caught in the net, it's dorsal fin barely attached from the dolphin's struggles in the net. In that part of the country, the fishermen would be arrested and tried for poaching if they brought it back with them, even for medical attention. 

They did the obvious thing. They threw the dolphin back into the ocean, and went back to the harbor. 

The dolphin, now struggling to get to the suface for air, started bleeding, which, in the middle of the ocean, attracted sharks. But, it also attracted other dolphins. Now, a dolphin might not seem like a very likely challenge to a shark, but how about a pod of them? 

When the Coast Gaurd arrived the next morning, the crew found a strange scene. Injured dolphins and dead sharks littered the water's surface. The other dolphins had come to the injured dolphin's rescue, fighting off sharks and taking turns taking the injured dolphin to the surface for air. There were no dolphins killed, yet at least seven sharks were found dead. The dolphin with the injured fin was rescued and taken to SeaWorld in San Antonio, TX. He made a full recovery." -Jay Strack, President and Founder of Student Leadership University.


We should be more like dolphins, don't you think? Protecting the pack and looking out for one another. Selfishness should not be an option. True Story.


                   ~The Crazy Dolphin Trainer living next door~



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