Life of a Shook-Up Soda Pop

We all have friends. Some were dropped on their heads as babies. Some, were clearly thrown into the air, bounced off of the ceiling fan, crashed through the window, back-handspringed across the lawn and landed neatly in second arabesque position. 

Some people went through the above mentioned process multiple times.


I don't know you. Maybe your friends would pale at the thought of even being thrown up into the air, maybe your friends would laugh it off and tell you with a grin that they did a triple-flip AS they were being thrown up into the air.There are also those people that came out backwards, or those people that came to be crazy as their life progressed. There are many types of people, and truth be told, we all have a little crazy in us somewhere. After all, What Is Normal?


"What Is Normal." why would I capitalize that? The answer is simple. Its because I'm not normal. No, Not really. The real reason I capitalize such a phrase is because of my friends, Sprite, Pepsi, Root Beer and Coke. I'm not sure who invented it in the first place, because I wasn't in their first-period class at the time......


It was the week before Christmas in the year of 2013. The teacher had just announced that they would be doing a team review game, because it was two days before mid-terms. They were instructed to come up with a name for their team that had to do with their personalities. In the midst of all the laughter, small talk, and playing around, the name, W.I.N. emerged.





They loved it. I can still see the drawing that Pepsi, the avid artist in our group, made on the inside front cover of my Latin notebook.


W.I.N. It instantly became our "motto", in a sense, and, that same day week, we started the book, The Outsiders, in Literature class. It was there that the nicknames were born. Each fit our personalities perfectly.


Stephanie. She was quiet, and yet extremely thoughtful. She always put others before her, and she was on fire for the Lord. She was a living example of my second favorite verse. "She is clothed in strength and dignity, she laughs at the days to come." She became Root Beer.


Abbie. She, like Stephanie, was very quiet, although she had a passion for singing. A beautiful voice too, We all did. But hers was crystal and angelic. She liked to laugh and apparently she enjoyed it when I constantly poked her in the leg with my shoe during history class. She became Mello-Yello.


Sarah. She and I were very much the loud ones, and she was also a dancer. She chose her own name. Coke.


Sandra. She and Sarah tended to be the life of the party. She liked to quote, "Bleh-Bleh-Bleh," from hotel Transylvania in awkward moments of silence. She disliked anything mint, carbonated, and she hissed at anyone who touched her hair. She had a thing for anything fuzzy, Arizona tea, and blondes. She became Pepsi, or Pepsi-Drey, as some called her.


Torrie. She, Like Stephanie, had a warm heart. She was the 'child' in our group. She would tell herself that she knew nothing, but in doing that, she also became the wisest. She liked Aladdin, Strawberry Shortcake, and her old dog, Riley. She was a fantastic example of my favorite verse, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example in speech, love, conduct, faith, and in purity." She, on account of her pure-ness, became Sprite.


And then there's me. If you want to know about me, go to my About Me page. I will tell you that I was kind of obsessed with the color orange, so I became Orange Crush. Sandra liked to tell random strangers that if anyone messed with us, Orange Crush would crush them. 


In the lyrical intentions of a favorite song, "I never thought I'd feel this way, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm glad I got the chance to say- that I do believe I love you..." I do. I love all my Soda Pops. as Sisters, as fellow soda-pops, heck, I love you guys as crazy bouncing-off-the-ceiling-fan-friends.


You might wonder why I've been talking in past tense up until this moment. A few weeks ago, a very tragic happening split us up. High school. Its tragic. 8th grade has ended, and we are all going to different high schools. I dont think that any of us are ever going to break the soda-pop bond, I mean, we might grow up and get married and maybe forget those years, but I'm absolutely-positively-supercalifragilistically sure that we will keep up the Soda Pop legacy and love people for who they are, not who they want to be.


These are the important things to look for in a friend, that no matter how scary, sad, or exciting something may be, it is the person who stands by them through it all that is the true friend. if you ever meet any of my Soda pops, you'll see that legacy that each of us has instilled inside of us, and if any of my Soda pops are reading this, you are truly wonderful people, and I know that God will use you in some special way to shine a light in someones path.


So keep smiling', Keep Shinin', Know that you can always count on me for sure. That's what friends are for. True story.


~The crazy soda pop living next door~

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